
Learning by Doing Approach

Kidz Connect Daycare and OSC’s philosophy is inspired by Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Education, sees children learning on their feet, using their hands, and communicating their ideas in several ways. Children often communicate their ideas by making artwork out of natural materials found in the earth. Visual and Tactile stimulation motivates a child’s deep engagement with their surroundings making for a rich and rewarding.

Emergent Curriculum

This approach asks that our teachers pay close attention to the unique interests and development of each child, evolving a course of investigation tailored to their personal interests and curiosities. Classroom activities and long-term projects are then created with these in mind.

Environment as Third Teacher

Kidz Connect Daycare and OSC classrooms are full of what we call learning “provocations.” A child might see a bouquet of flowers next to an intentionally placed set of water color paints and a blank piece of paper. A tiny sign might read “What do you see?” encouraging the children to make a painting. These visually stimulating invitations are meant to create engaged students. Provocations prompt exploration: exploration stimulates the brain; stimulated brains evolve into inspired learners.

Much of Reggio Emilia style learning is done outdoors in nature. Children engaged in inspired activities such as making outdoor Ferris wheels for birds or wind machines out of brightly colored balloons. Our Program has a private outdoor courtyard where children learn and play. Outdoor spaces are nature-based environments set up to act as another classroom that inspires children to explore and investigate.